
Participation of Navantia Seanergies in the Spain-Denmark Summit

From Navantia Seanergies we would like to express our gratitude for having been invited to the Spain Denmark Summit organised by the Spanish Secretary of State for Trade, throuigh ICEX Spain Export and Investments and the Economic and Commercial Office of the Spanish Embassy in Copenaghen, in collaboration with the Spanish Confederation of Business Organisations (CEOE), the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, the DI – Cofederation of danish Industry – Confédération des Industries Danoises and the Danish Chamber of Commerce and for being part of the Spanish delegation, headed by the King and Queen of Spain and the Minister of Foreign Affairs José Manuel Albares. It was as oppotunity to meet with the companies in one of the most powerful Danish offshore wind supply chains in the world.

During this trip, different round tables were organised and Javier Herrador, director of Navantia Seanergies participated in the round table on “Green energies and their role in hydrogen generation together with Roque Bernardó, Manager Global Development Green Hydrogen of Iberdrola, Uffe Winther, director of Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners and katinka Hussman Palbo, Head of PTX Europ, Ørsted. The session was moderated by Javier Brey, President of the Spanish Hydrogen Association (AeH2)

During his presentation, Javier Herrador stressed that the objectives set by Europe of zero net emissions in 2050 will require the contribution of offshore wind energy and assured that among its uses will be the production of Green Hydrogen.

He stressed that one of the most important challenges for the deployment of the sector in Atlantic and Mediterranean Europe is to develop a sufficient supply chain, including companies that are currently working for other sectors. And in this sense, he proposed to undertake the Spanish offshore wind energy plan by crating a large supply chain industry similar to that of the aeronautical sector.

Herrador acknowledge that acces to Europena Investment Bank financing is a very positive measure that helps to boost the development of industry, allowing companies to create the infraestructure they need.

He concluded that Denmark has the most powerful and mature companies in the sector and therefore “we can find a lot of complemetarity and opportunities to enhance the use of offshore wind in the production of HidrógenoVerde.